Love List


Natural Beauty Part 2- A week without makeup

The past two weeks I honestly couldn't be bothered with wearing anything on my face besides chap stick and moisturizer, I only wore makeup once within these past two weeks and that was to go out to dinner to  celebrate my litter sister 16th birthday. Throughout the first week I went through many feelings before I was able at accept the fact that I looked good -I'm using that term loosely- without makeup and no is judging me about how I look –well not out loud at least-. The stages I went through were as followed:


When I showed up to class and work the first day I was really nervous and kind of anxious about how the people who has seen my always with makeup on my face. Honestly, I was really tempted to go to the restroom and through on foundation to cover up some of my blackheads and acne scars. But  going through the day I started to realized they didn't really seem to care that I wasn't wearing any makeup of course they asked to which I replied I just didn't feel like.


Even though I knew no one really cared about not seeing me with makeup I was still kind of uncomfortable with not wearing it because it is always a part of my morning routine. I haven’t really had any makeup free days in a while but I knew that I needed some time away from the makeup and just let me skin be.


After the initial discomfort and nervousness I started to become a little shy and hid tried to hid myself away from attention, even though I was starting to become ok with the whole not wearing makeup I still wanted to not been seen because I was kind of embarrassed.


For some reason after I gotten used to it I started to feel super awkward because it felt like people were staring at what is going on with my face and not speaking to me directly.

Acceptance and comfort

Finally, after a week of torturing myself and trying to hid away I suddenly found comfort in not wearing makeup and enjoy myself more because I had more time to sleep in –I mean who doesn't love that-.

Throughout this process I also learned a few other things about my skin and body, like I have to start washing my hair at every other week instead of every two weeks because when my hair gets really oily and greasy  I tend to break out on my forehead. I also figured that there are somethings that I eat or drink that breaks me out just the slightest-chocolate junk food, I’m talking to you-, with all of these new revelations I am able to make changes that will help me with my skin as well as my health.
What I suggest for you to do is attempt to go a week or two without makeup and see if you can find anything new about your skin and how it reacts to being completely bare. Yes I know that sometimes makeup is actually helpful to people but see if it is the opposite for you.

(This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily, Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and Instagram hashtag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!)  Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have Instagram, send a quick email to!)


  1. I am in love with these posts, so honest and realy. You are truely beautiful T'erica inside and out. Xx

  2. I love how you done the pictures to show each stage- very creative! Sometimes when I have a spot or something I always feel as if the person in talking to is staring at that spot only and not really talking to me but it's just paranoia haha
    Dalal xo

  3. nice as always :)
